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Matthew Lane
Sixth Grade Language Arts Teacher
Intermediate School
Marianne Zelinski
Sixth Grade Language Arts Teacher
Intermediate School
Jessica Kriegner
Sixth Grade Mathematics Teacher
Intermediate School
Amber Wira
Sixth Grade Science Teacher
Intermediate School
Cholehna Weaver
Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher
Intermediate School
Vicki Scheetz
Social Worker
Intermediate School
Karyn Daily
Spanish Teacher
Intermediate School
Christie Pontari
Spanish Teacher
Intermediate School
Suzanne Ancharski
Special Education Aide
Intermediate School
Elizabeth Frisby
Special Education Aide
Intermediate School
Anthony Murphy
Special Education Aide
Intermediate School
Ronald Rios
Special Education Aide
Intermediate School
Suni Wood
Special Education Aide
Intermediate School
Kathryn Zammit
Special Education Aide
Intermediate School
Victoria Battelini
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School
Richard Bloomstead
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School
Joseph Bodenlos
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School
Brittany Calise
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School
Michael Cappelletti
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School
Edward Hirsch
Special Education Teacher
Intermediate School