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Cathleen Smith
Lisa Barber
12-Month Secretary
Primary School
Elizabeth Stamm
Art Teacher
Primary School
Peggy Totten
Clerical Aide
Primary School
Heather Wertzberger
Clerical Aide
Primary School
Deepa McCabe
Computer/Library Teacher
Primary School
Carrie Merritt
Health Teacher
Primary School
Carole Maurer
ML Teacher
Primary School
Ashley Schmid
ML Teacher
Primary School
Mary Beth Libro
First Grade Teacher
Primary School
Margaret Shiffler
First Grade Teacher
Primary School
Susan Snyder
First Grade Teacher
Primary School
Joel Dougan
Guidance Counselor
Primary School
Brittney Biederman
Kindergarten Teacher
Primary School
Jennifer Blanc
Kindergarten Teacher
Primary School
Andrea Kohr
Kindergarten Teacher
Primary School
Francesca Lacey
Kindergarten Teacher
Primary School
Julianne Smith
Music Teacher
Primary School
Rosemary Millar
Primary School
Daniel Calhoun
Physical Education Teacher
Primary School